Opened in May 2013, the Software Gallery, laid out in four quadrants; Business, Home, Languages and Robotics, includes:

  • A giant, wall-sized programming language timeline

  • An 'exploded' PC’ showing its internal components

  • A robotics display with a robot originally produced for the 1980's BBC Micro is now connected to a modern Arduino

  • A computer language database, already containing 2000 entries to which visitors can add (and reminisce)

  • An early, single-purpose accounting software machine, the Burroughs L5000

  • A display demonstrating the pervasiveness of software in the home

  • A special programming challenge for visitors and other hands-on exhibits.

The Software Challenge 

Release the coder in you! TNMOC challenges visitors to write a program that calculates and outputs the first 20 prime numbers – the more obscure the language the better of course! Completed programs will be selected and entered in TNMOC’s language database.

Codes that Changed the World

TNMOC's Software Gallery features throughout the BBC Radio 4 five-part series on Codes That Changed the World broadcast in April 2015. Here are each of the 15 minute programmes: