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The Early Days of the Polish Cipher Bureau, 1919-1920

Soviet Key decryption

Soviet Key decryption


A Virtual Talk by Dr. Marek Grajek

The Polish Cipher Bureau (Biuro Szyfrów) is well known for its cracking of the German Enigma in the years just before WW II. Its output included such machines as the Cyklometr and the Bomba Polska, a predecessor of the better known Turing-Welchman Bombe, a rebuild of which is currently on display at TNMOC.

Dr. Grajek is a renowned Polish cryptologist, historian, author and speaker. His research areas include the application of cryptology in the financial industry as well as the history of cryptography. Dr. Grajek is the author of such works as "Enigma: Bliżej prawdy" (Enigma: Closer to the truth) and "Nie tylko Enigma – Ryba, która przemówiła" (Not only Enigma - The fish that spoke). In this lecture, Dr. Grajek will go back in time to speak about the earlier days of the Polish Cipher Bureau during the Polish-Soviet war in 1919-1920,

The talk will also reference some of the original documents from that period and what they were used for.

PLEASE NOTE: Participants will be sent the link to the virtual talk no later than two days before the event.